Another great awesome week. This was the busiest week yet, we just worked and worked. That's whats good about having a young companion, he just loves and enjoys the work. We had a total of 33 lessons this week, which is the most I have had in my mission. The reason is because we are doing what Elder Holland said about being persistent and what our mission president advised that even if they say they are busy, share just a little bit, and get a lesson in at least if its only 10 minutes. So thats what we focused on this week, and its really working. There was one experience where this one investigator seems to be busy a ton lately and she stopped reading the Book of Mormon. We were persistent and insisted to share with her even if its only 5 minutes. She finally let us and we shared the verse in 3rd Nephi about "first seek ye the kingdom of god". When we shared that her whole attitude and presence changed, and she said she will start reading the Book of Mormon again. I learned there the importance of persistence and that it really works. That is one thing Elder Holland mentioned in his talk, is to "Be persistent and don't give up to easy". Also with this great week, we had more investigators progress and come to church. As well as the less actives that we are continuing to visit and find. The sundays at church are a lot better and funner now that we have more investigators and less-actives comin to church. Before, and in my other areas church was always pretty saddening and depressing cuz the people we were visiting or teaching wouldn't show up to church. But its goin great now, we also had a meeting after church where we reported on our work and about the investigators that are close to getting baptized but they really need a fellowshipper from church to keep them coming to church and continue to baptism, so they wont be shy and feel more comfortable. So at the meeting we told them who and what time we go to our investigators that need a fellowshipper and we gave them our cellphone number. So hopefully we can have some more members at our lessons to fellowship our investigators. And yes it now is definitely rainy season again. yay!! There is some good and bad with that. :) I also did another exchange this week with the other elders in my district. This time I went with the older/more experienced elder in his area, Alaminos 1. We worked on tracting and finding investigators, because they are having a hard time with that. We met a few people that said we can come back, so hopefully they will be good and the elders will continue to find more people. Oh yeah, the district meeting on tuesday where I and the other district leader and the zone leader explained the new way president wants us to do lesson plans. Its really cool, altogether in every principle of a lesson we list the purpose, baptismal interview questions, commitments, key points for that principle. Then we list the inspired questions, scriptures, examples, concerns and solutions also for each principle. Its alot of stuff but it makes it way clear and easier to teach and understand the real focus for that principle of the lesson. The picture of me and my batchmate(Elder Alms from the mtc) in Dasol is where we were on our way to leadership training last week and we got off the bus at Dasol. Because the bus route is ridiculous it goes on a side route around the town of Dasol and comes right back to the highway. So we got off their at the sign and waited for it to come around again. :) We also saved 1 peso form doing that. =) The other pictures are of my hands where you can see the scars from the wart surgery in Olongapo last year. Quite beautiful. The ole doctor loved lasering the stuff off, he didnt say anything that it would leave scars. But other than that, the work is really great. We should be getting some baptisms pretty soon if things continue to progress. Hanggang dito na lang. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Elder Pennock
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