So it rained every day this week, and many areas have been flooded, especially all the rice fields. So we had a ton of fun workin in the rain, being soakin wet. haha. But first on Monday, we had a zone activity where we updated our areabooks, cuz we were were told they need some workin on :) Also for them to be checked again the next day at Special Training. This was the last Special Training of the mission president so its gonna be interesting next month when we have a new mission president. Also president said we will get portable dvd players to use in companion study and planning. That will be cool. We will watch the Preach My Gospel and church videos to help us in the work. More and more high tech. =) Next we will all get cars. ;) I also learned alot this week of how to more help our investigators, one thing I learned came from exchanging with our zone leader. He reminded me about extending baptismal goal dates which I had forgotten about. So from that reminder we now have more investigators with a baptismal goal date and they are really excited. Also while I was thinking why investigators aren't progressing and keeping their commitments, besides the fact that they couldnt come to church cuz its raining, I thought that maybe we need to teach more simply and slowly so that they will understand. Cuz our teaching is good, we use scriptures, examples, and inspired questions and everything, but they're just not keepin the commitments. So thats what we will try this week is teaching more simply. And now since that was the last special training, we now have district meeting every week, which means I need to prepare a workshop everyweek that will help our district improve in their work, their weaknesses and goals and stuff. yikes. But hey, my package came! and all my apartment mates loved it as well, all the ties and food. I also shared some food with our investigators, saying "try this, this came from america". haha Also I sent a few pictures of us and our branch missionary leader workin in the rain. It was really funny. The umbrella that he used was a spare at the house, and it was perfectly fine in the beginning, but then one little thing on it broke, then a few hours later it totally like fell apart. haha. He didnt even do anything, he was just holding it. hahaha. Well the work is great. I love you all. i hope you are all keeping your commitments =) -Elder Pennock

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