The first week of the transfer! but nothin really changed for us, its still the 6 of us in the apartment and we are still doin great. We just really worked hard this week to help our investigators progress and also to find new people to teach eventhough its raining all the time. We have quite a few new investigators that we are excited to go back to and hope that they will progress, alot of them are young men and preisthood too, which is awesome. Also at this one house where we tracted the people were way cool. They invited us in right away and were amazed by what we are doing(walking in the hot sun, or heavy rain everyday, talking to strangers and not getting any money from it). Also the fact that I was sweating(like always), had a hole in my socks and speaking tagalog. =) haha. They were just astonished that we are doin this for two years, leave our family and schooling,(and girls) to serve the Lord. They were a bunch of newly married girls by the way and their husbands were out working at the time. But it was so cool that they actually noticed and realized these things cuz most people don't even care or notice that kind of stuff. They were very interested and asked us a ton of questions, they also said that we are not like other missionaries of other churches who come in and sit down and go straight to gospel topics and are very stiff and boring. They said we were fun to talk to and very friendly. This was saturday morning by the way, we will try to go back to them this wednesday morning. We left them the Restoration pamphlet to read because alot of their questions will be answered in the message of the restoration. Hopefully they will read it and share to their husbands these things as well. So that was really the highlight for me this week, they even offered to feed us lunch before we left cuz it was approaching 12. :) Hopefully we will continue to find people like that and also to be friendly and confident in talking to people.
In our zone however are quite a few new people, 2 new filipina sisters and 3 new elders. One fairly new missionary Elder Adams from Kentucky who is already good at speaking tagalog be it his 4th month in the philippines, and a new district leader who is training a brand new Elder Palmer from the provo MTC. I havent met them yet but its gonna be cool. Also these are pictures of our house in Alaminos which my mom requested. :) I also took a picture of my comp cooking because he is always cooking for us and me washing dishes cuz I unfortunetely am always washing dishes for us. But it is way fun having 6 in the apartment, a bit crazy but alot of fun. The 4 of them sleep in the living room, while me and my comp sleep in our room on beds. :) Before when I was assigned in Bani with Elder Westwood we used that aircon in our room, and thats where the 4 of us before slept and ate, in the airconditioned room. way back last year with elder muliaina and elder gerbolingo. Which also means i just passed being 1 year in alaminos zone, 10 1/2 months in Bani and now 1 1/2 months in Hundred Islands. but its great, this is the best zone of the mission =) Ito na lang muna ngayon. Ingat kayo. -Elder Pennock
I don’t know if you read the comments,but my son Elder Palmer is the one mentioned in Elder Pennock’s last blog post. It has been fun to read and experience alittle of what goes on in the Olongapo Mission. I found this blog through google. I love the pictures and entries.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say hello.
Laura Palmer