This last week was awesome. It started with a great birthday party/family home evening with all the missionaries in our zone, because one of the sister missionaries had a birthday. There was great food and
alot of games, like Zip Bong.

Then on Tuesday we went to Santa Cruz again foe special training. This time we learned about the importance of sacrament attendance foe our investigators and how to teach people and not just teach lessons. I learned
alot about helping the investigators come to church, and all the blessings from attending the church that we can share to the investigators. Also we listened to a totally sweet talk by Elder Holland, I think it's called "Feed my Sheep." And I invite all of you to listen/watch it cause its the best. It was when he talked at the Provo
MTC this last January. I learned a ton from it, Elder Holland is seriously the best speaker ever on missionary work. Oh and I think its rainy season again, its raining all the time now. :'( we are all wet and stuff. but hey at least its not as hot. :) It was a really busy week this week because on Friday we went down to Santa Cruz again, this time for Leadership Training. It was the first leadership training where i was one of the leaders so that was a bit new and interesting. It was about reading key indicators, conducting exchanges, obtaining unity in the zone and district, and also making lesson plans. I also learned a lot there. And for the district meeting this
tuesday, its going to be the whole zone and we are gonna go over our lesson plans for Lesson 1, the Restoration, the way the mission president wants it. :) so me, the other district leader and the zone leader will be in charge and
doin that. This week we really focused on the investigators and less actives to come to church, which went well. This week I really saw the love and concern of my comp for the investigators. He is still new and experiencing all the parts of
missionary work and realizing that is is really hard, and I really felt for him, and came to know that he is really struggling as much as I am with trying to help the investigators. And I am really impressed with his love and desire to serve, maybe
thats how I was when I was still new and
havin troubles as well as a new missionary. :) We also enjoyed having members work with us, even though we were in the rain.
haha. I also found out from my last companion, that the people in my last area actually do miss me a little bit, and they are sad that I didn't say goodbye. And the reason is that I didn't know I was leaving and gonna go back up to
alaminos! absolutely crazy.
haha. and i actually do miss all of them in
balanga, it was a lot of fun down there. Well i thin
thats it for this week. I sent some more pictures from the jubilee celebration last week and some pics from the birthday party. :) Love you all. -Elder
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