This week was another great and busy week. On Monday we spent most of the day cleaning the house cuz on wednesday the Mission President came and did apartment interviews. So the house needed to be clean. ;) We also bought some food at CSI the local grocery store. Which is an awesome place cuz it has a bunch of american food, like pringles, oreos, gatorade and other stuff which I really enjoy buying all the time. =) But there's no beef jerky or fruit snacks. For the district meeting on tuesday, we focused on working with members, how to involve them in the lessons and help them feel comfortable and ready with their role in teaching. Because its so important to have members fellowship the investigators and be there for the teaching. Just having a member friend resolves many of the concerns that investigators have. And im real thankful for the few returned missionaries and members that work us full-time missionaries. Those are really the investigators who progress the fastest and become strong members, like the one investigator of ours who got baptized last month and the investigator who is getting baptized next week. :) We also have a ton of other investigators who are still having trouble attending church and stop their addictions like alcohol and cigarrettes. We are continuing to work with them and help them. The apartment interviews were great, the house was clean, we got some new irons and ironing boards and they said we should use the airconditioning at night, when we sleep. So thats way cool. Also President is really proud of our work and what we are doing in Hundred Islands. According to him, I just need to eat more. But im kinda tired of 18 months of rice, I want some steak and potatoes, and ribs and mexican food! :) On thursday, we had exchanges again, I went to Alaminos with Elder Adriano, and our work was good, eventhough it was far and we went over cool bridges and stuff. We met alot of people who were taught before and they are ok with us coming back and teaching them. This saturday and sunday, we had District Conference, with the Mission President and a member of the area seventy, also all the members in Alaminos District. So I got to see all my friends from Bani! It was sweet! (Except that they all said I have gotten skinnier). We also had 5 investigators who were able to come. So we are excited for our investigators who are showing progression. This moring we just found out that my companion is being transferred! As well as 1 sister in my district and 2 other elders who stay with us in the house. So there will be many changes goin on. Altogether Sister Jackson, Elder Olbes(my comp), Elder Suaybaguio, and Elder Rosales will transfer, and my companion before in Bani, Elder DelaCruz, is done with his mission so we will have another new missionary replacing him. Exciting and a little scary what will happen. I will let you know next week who the new people are. Ingat - Elder Pennock

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