So, this week I will write in English again so my family can understand. :) This week was great, we were so busy! I forget how many lessons we had that one busy week last month or so. But this week we had a ton as well, 35 total lessons. We are just workin like crazy. We finally contacted a couple of our referrals, and they quickly became new investigators. They however didn't come to church this last week though for whatever reason. But we will go back to them and see whats up. Im still also learning my role as a district leader, and hopefully I will start getting used to giving the workshops in District meeting. haha. Me and my comp are just really enjoying the work. Especially in our new area(Baleyadaan) that we just started working in, all the people are very friendly and welcome to us and want to learn. The only thing is we dont have enough time to get to them all. :) One of them is one great family, the Mejia family, who were once investigators. But they were very busy, because they used to have work in Zambales and the father is in the local government. But they are very friendly and want to be taught again. So we are really excited to start to teach them. There is also this one guy, where when we met him he was reading the bible! We met his wife before and gave her the L1 pamphlet and he finished reading it! So when we met him he asked about the Book of Mormon! so of course we gave him a copy. Hopefully he will continue to be awesome and we will be able to teach him. I also did exchanges twice this week. Once on thursday with Elder Rosales in their area and once with Elder Suaybagiuo in our area. They are really great guys and missionaries and I learned alot when I exchanged with them. I also was surprised how good Elder Suaybaguio is cuz he is still brand new in the mission. There was also alot of members who worked with us this week, which was way cool. Cuz the work was fun and having members work with us really help our investigators. Well i guess thats it for this week. Love you all. _ Elder Pennock

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