Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 18-24, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
July 11 - 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Translation: Oh yeah! its another celebration! 6 months left in the mission. it means im writing in tagalog again! hopefully my tagalog is better than last time when i was a year in the mission. how are you guys? Elder Olbes and I are doin great in our area. We have alot of new investigators that are progressing, and we are excited for them. They are all reading and praying. Also we have a returned missionary, who just came home last thursday. Its awesome because he said he will work with us. He served in Davao, Philippines. Thats also where my companion is from, haha. Its still raining here, we are always soakin wet. One night we rode a tricycle while it was raining, but there was no roof! We just had to use our umbrellas. :) The girls that i told you about before, the ones that were shocked at what we are doing and how hard working we are. There are still good, slowly they are now progressing. We also went back to a few former investigators, like Br. Curpos in Baleyadaan and the Diamante's in Caucay. They're alright as well, they want to listen and learn. There's also the Ramirez family who is in the picture i sent, they are doin good too, slow progression as well. We also had alot of investigators come to church, hopefully more will come next week. Our investigators always say they have no time to read or go to church, but they have enough time to listen when we show up. Hopefully they will really understand what we are teaching them and feel the spirit so they will start to progress even more. Oh yeah, last thursday we had Leadership Training in Santa Cruz with the new mission president, President Querido. The training was awesome, all of the district leaders and zone leaders from 4 zones were there. We learned alot about giving workshops, doing exchanges and interviews. Pres. Querido and his wife are really awesome as well. Last monday, we had a birthday party at our house cuz both Elder Adriano and Elder Olbes had a birthday this week. We ate spaghetti and pizza! It was way cool! Missionary work is great. Theres not really any problems. :) I guess this will be the end of my report. sorry for those who cant understand. =) Goodbye/ take care. I love you all. - Elder Pennock
Sunday, July 10, 2011
July 4 - 10, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
June 27 - July 3, 2011
Magandang araw po! This week was great! The district meeting turned out to be great, I led the workshop on how to extend baptismal goal dates in the first lesson, the Restoration. Then we practiced extending the commitment in different parts of the lesson. And hopefully we (the missionaries) will extend more baptismal dates so the investigators will have that as their goal so they will progress. Also we opened a new area or barangay in our proselyting area, and we now have alot of new investigators there in Baleyadaan. The people there are very receptive to us because we are the first mormon missionaries that they have met. There were some people who invited us into their home before we even said anything. So me and my comp are really excited for this area and the investigators there. Also we are continuing to work with our other investigators, some of which have baptismal goal dates and others still need a little help. But this sunday we had 6 investigators come to church, which was awesome. We also got some referrals from members. And alot of people came to church and bore their testimonies. Maybe the fasting is working, but a bad thing is that i am also quite skinny. :) Also we had a member work with us on sunday after church, and he has a truck. So we drove in his truck to all the appointments! totally sweet! We also were able to play basketball earlier for p-day. which was way fun, but absolutely exhausting, cuz its been forever. But the work is really doin great. Sorry i dont have much to say right now, or any pictures. But I love you and miss you all. - Elder Pennock
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