Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nov 15 - 21, 2010

This week was cool. It was the end and the start of transfers. We found out monday who was gonna be transferred and then tuesday was transfer day. Elder Larson was being transferred so Monday night we went up to Bolinao, his area, for Family Home Evening. There was quite a bit of people, a couple families. I was assigned to do the spiritual thought which was alright, better than doin the lesson. Then it was time for games and we, the elders, were called on to do the games. I was the only one who thought of a game we could do so i led the game. The game i did was simple but can be really fun. I got it from my first area in San Marcelino. Its where half of the people thinks of and writes down a question, any kind of question, and then the other half thinks of and writes an answer, any kind of answer. Then we go through doing question and answer. And sometimes its really funny, because it is totally random. I forgot alot of the funny ones but one was, "Where do you live?" then the answer was, "it depends if you love me or not". Another one was "who was your first kiss?" then the answer was "a dog". haha
This first week of transfers we opened up a new area, pretty close to the church so there is no excuses for not goin to church. :) We tracting there and finding new investigators. We found a few good ones that are really interested. One of them is Sis. Agnus, age 51. We almost passed by her little bamboo house, but i felt prompted to go there and say hi. She has moved a lot and has met alot of mormon missionaries. She even has a Book of Mormon. So that was way cool to find her. She has a lot of questions that are perfect for us as missionaries to answer. She is wondering why there is a book of mormon and who is mormon? She has even read a little bit and asked what the liahona is? So we are excited to go back and teach her.
It feel good to start finding and teaching new people cuz a lot of our previous ones are busy with harvesting rice, so we aren't able to teach them and they are not progressing.
On Saturday we had a service project at a member's house. We started making a wall for their porch cover, to turn it into a shed, so they can store their rice in it. We put up bamboo posts all around the outside so it will hold the wall. It was fun and way cool. Bamboo is awesome, and there is a ton of it here. It was only a few of us so we didn't get it all done, me and my comp, the young men pres, the church building representative, and two young men (priests).
On Sunday it was the Primary program. It was great. Eventhough it was only 4 kids. I guess all the other kids didn't want to do it cuz there are actually a lot of kids in Primary. There was 2 boys and 2 girls. They each recited a scripture verse and then bore testimony. Then the 4 of them would sing a song that related to the scripture. It was good and they were loud enough for us to hear surprisingly. Also one of the boys and one of the girls gave the invocation and benediction for sacrament. Really cool.
So that was this week. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Elder Pennock

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