Monday, May 3, 2010

Rain & Skewered Chicken feet

It rained! It rained like crazy. With loud thunder, way loud, and awesome lightening too, it was crazy!!! Then the next day it was raining pretty good too so me and my comp, Elder Westwood wore rain boots for the day. But when we got to our area, Bani, after the bus ride it was bright and sunny and hot. So, we had to wear boots the whole day in hot weather, and my comp had to carry his broken umbrella around too. I thought it was hilarious even though it was so hot and uncomfortable with the boots. I was laughin and thought it was so funny.
We went to two birthday parties this week, of members. It was sweet, way fun. We sang with the videoke, and ate pancid (like top ramen noodles - way good), cake, ice cream, chicken feet, and I thought it was funny, they had skewers with hotdog and marshmallows. They didn't cook the marshmallows of course, they just put it on there after. The marshmallows were like small flower ones, and colorful so you can't really roast them. And I ate chicken foot. They like to grill it on a skewer. (i don't know how to spell skewer.) But I don't like it at all. It's all hard crunchy tendons and stuff. But yeah. =)
What was really masarap, was the lechon manok (rotisserie chicken). Me and my comp bought one of those one night. It was so delicious. Kinda expensive though, 200 pesos. (45 pesos is like $1)
We are workin on getting a house in our area. We found a really good one. The only problem is behind the backyard is a small river. So, if it floods, it's not good. But if the house gets approved, we will have an awesome house in Bani, with 3 bedrooms, and a banana tree, papaya, and sweet potatoes in the backyard. Sweet!
On Sunday this drunk guy came up and started talkin to us. We sat down with him and his friends (who were sober) and taught lesson 1. They were all tricycle drivers and getting a kick out of our drunk friend. But it went well, and one of the sober guys was actually really listening to our lesson and asked for a pamphlet. So that's awesome and a new investigator. Also before that on that Sunday, after church we had a baptism. 22 year old Jhonalyn Castil and 24 year old Glenda Taganap got baptized. It was way cool. I conducted the baptism cuz my comp baptized them. I conducted in Taglish. So yeah. It was sweet! They are totally awesome, strong testimony and very fun.
So yep. I am doin great. Still healthy even though the crazy stuff I'm eatin. They want me to eat Balut this week, though. That is gross. And I am havin an awesome time. Still don't know Tagalog, but I am getting better at understanding and stuff. And with teaching. They are usually good when I am trying to speak. They usually can't understand me cuz of my accent. It makes me mad, cuz I'm sayin it right just with an accent.
Well that is all. ingat. mahal ko kayo. Elder Pennock

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