Magandang araw po sa inyong lahat! This week was great. It was first week of a new transfer, that first pic of all of us is before transfers so a few of those guys got transfered. But me and my comp are still here, still doin work. This week we found alot of new in-active members in an area we havent gone to yet. They are all happy we visited them and want ua to continue to visit them, one of them is even a return missionary who served where my comp is from, in Negros Occidental, Bacolod Mission. We are also still continuing to work with our investigators to progress toward baptism, many of them have a baptism goal date now, which is totally sweet. We just need to get them to church. Which is that other pic, they are goin to demolish that building and build a bigger one. So for maybe about a year we are now going to church in Alaminos city, which is a bit farther but hopefully our invesitgators... and members will still be able to attend. Ok so the picture of the frogs, yes those are frogs. haha. one of our invesitgtors was busy cutting them up and taken the skin off so they can eat them, when we came by to teach him. It was crazy they were still movin and kickin and everything, fresh na fresh! actually frog is really good. I think i told you guys i ate it before when i was in Bani. It tastes sweeter than chicken! :) And that other picture with the kids is at on of our member's house. We are teaching one of the kids right now who is a part member. He is really smart, and even answers questions in primary! His baptism date is in November. Well thats pretty much it for this week. We are doin awesome. Love you all. -Elder Pennock

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