This week was great, eventhough it continues to rain off and on, and I lost my umbrella. We have a few progressing investigators that we are really working with, a couple of them are coming to church, the others are reading the Book of Mormon, and the other others are not progressing. :) But we move forward and find the people that are ready to recieve the gospel. We are also really tryin to work with our branch. We have one investigator who has been having trouble stop smoking, and he has been an investigator for more than a year now to many missionaries. We really focused and helped him out the past few months that I've been here and last Saturday he passed his baptismal interview! So he is going to be baptized this Saturday!! And we are really excited for him, and to see some good stuff happening. Also its been fun walking around in the rain, because you get to see some cool things. Like kids fishing for frogs in the rice fields to eat, or swimming in the irrigation. Those kids were crazy, they would climb that big tree and jumb off it into the water. They actually reminded of Bryson! haha, it seems like something he would do. (whatup Bryson!) Also we went to new places in our area, and came to the ocean! Where they are planting Mangrove trees. It was so cool. There was this long bamboo bridge that extended out to the ocean and all along it there are mangrove trees. They say they plant them to protect the coastline. The work is also fun cuz we have some of the members work with us when they dont have school. Last friday we had 3 youth work with us, where for two of them it was the first time! In our house we have 4 nationalities, Tongan, American, Canadien, and Filipino. And we are goin to make a zone t-shirt with our countries flags and our names, its gonna be sweet, cuz one of the new elders, Elder Dotillos is good at drawing. Also last tuesday at Zone District Meeting, I was really proud of Elder Palmer's improvement in tagalog. Its only his 4th month in the philippines and he is really speaking up and giving his input and not scared to speak tagalog, eventhough he is not fluent yet. I just really liked that and noticed his improvement in tagalog. And i remember when i was still new, where there are a ton of things to work on and adjustments goin on. But its also a great time in the mission. Time sure goes by fast! Well i guess thats pretty much it for this week. Mahal ko kayong lahat! -Elder Pennock

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