This week was the last week of the transfer, but we found out today that I am not gonna be transfered. I thought for sure i was goin to be transfered, because I have been here for 7 1/2 months now. And now this is my companion's last transfer before he goes home. So i will most likely be here for another transfer after this one. So I am goin to have Christmas and New Years here. Also whats cool there is the Bani yearly festival the first week of December so that is gonna be cool.
This week was pretty cool
, one thing really cool was that we harvested in the rice fields. As a service project we harvested some rice of the newly baptized converts, the Humilde Family. It wasn't too bad, but it was way hot and the warts on my hands were really hurting. I put gloves on, the doctor type ones, that helped a little.

Then on Sunday it was cool to be here when Manny Pacquio fought. He is so big here, like a legend. In the plaza/towncenter, they put up a white screen and they displayed the fight as it was goin on. They do this in every town. And it was so cool to here everyone cheering and stuff. The work was a little slow this week, but we are excited to start a new transfer period. Elder Pennock
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