So the first week of November. It was way cool, and a lot of new things happened. On Monday we went up to Bolinao and spent some time with the 2 elders up there. We went to the beach, and to a zoo called Rock Garden. It was awesome, all the animals, and we got in free, cuz there was no one at the entrance, the cost is really cheap anyways, 10 pesos. And the beach was so beautiful.

Then after that the 4 of us Elders went to my area, Bani, to have a FHE with our recent converts the Humilde Family. It was way fun. I had to do the lesson, but it was more like a spiritual thought. Then we just played games. On Tuesday and Wednesday we did missionary work, thats a surprise. Then on Thursday we had special training in Santa Cruz. It was good. More practicing teaching and listening to the mission President's workshops.
Then after the training, I went to Olongapo City. The Mission president and his wife took me down to the mission home. There I stayed with the Office Elders and the Assistants. Then the day on Friday I went to the doctor and he lasered all my warts. The main pro doctor did the big one on my left palm, then the younger less experienced doc did the rest. I watched the whole procedure, it was cr
azy. They killed and burned the warts and
then just took it off. Sometimes it would really hurt cuz the anesthetic wore off so they had to inject more in. It took a long time 1 1/2 hrs, and the couple missionaries, the Moberlys, were waiting the whole time. But it was alright, my hands looked like a mummy at the end. Then after the surgery I worked with the assistants. It was cool to work with them. In a totaly new area and environment. Then we went back to the mission home. Which is really nice by the way. Complete with airconditioning. In fact it was really cold. I am not used to that.
Then on Saturday morning the Assistants took me back to Santa Cruz. On the way there it was way cool to see my first area, San Marcelino. I miss that area, it was so cool to see it again. Then at Santa Cruz I took a bus to Alaminos all by myself. Then at Alaminos, the other couple missionaries, the Ashcrafts took me to Bani. So it was a way crazy, long trip. But way fun.
Then back to missionary work on saturday and sunday. On sunday Rolly and Reden got confirmed, and that was so cool. Then after church we had a ton of youth work with us. We had so many we had to split up. So that was really fun.

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