Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 6-13, 2010

Its actually cooling down!!!! Thank goodness for December! Its still pretty hot but it is getting better. The nights are quite a bit colder now. Alot of cool things happened this week. Last Monday was the last couple days of the Fiesta in Bani. It is similar to a Town Fair in the States, their were rides, like a ferris wheel and all the local schools competed/performed at the Plaza. And there were a bunch of people selling stuff around the plaza in town.
On Thursday and Friday, after working in Bani for a couple months now I got to work in a different area. We did exchanges, and I got to work in the newly opened area, Mabini. They dont have a chapel there yet, and there is only a few members, but missionary work is doin good there. The good thing about this new area is the people there haven't heard or don't know much about the church, so we can easily talk to people and get new investigators. Also since it is newly opened area, people are not used to seeing missionaries, especially an American. There were some girls who asked to take a picture with me. . . crazy. So goin on exchanges was really cool and fun.

The work in Bani is doin pretty good. We have one sister, Sis. Geraldine, who just had her baptism interview. So she is goin to be baptized next Sunday! =)
Other than that we are just working with the new investigators we have and continuing to find new ones. One guy, Br. Ernieng is really interested in the church and is thinking about joining. He is reading the Book of Mormon and is really impressed with the change of one convert a few years ago who was an alcoholic. The only problem with Ernieg is he lives far away and we only got to teach him once, cuz he returns home from work late in the evening. I hope we can teach him.

On Saturday our whole day was takin up doing a service project at an elementary school in Alaminos. One classroom's roof blew away, and we demolished and started replacing a wall around the boundary of the school. So even until now I am sore from that, mixing cement, and carrying cement blocks.

Sunday evening was the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional which was really cool. And it was the first time I saw it or even knew they had one, that is actually what the pics are about, where we are showing number 1, cuz it was my first christmas devotional. :)

The other pictures were earlier up in Bolinao at the Branch President's house close to the beach. That matorcycle is the motor he races with, he has won a few times with that. Then that was our snack, eating sea shells (the animal inside). We cracked them open with a hammer and then put vinegar on it. mmm...delicious. :)

Well that is pretty much it for this week. Can't wait to call home next week!!!!! Elder Pennock

This is in Bolinao. The previous branch president has a house right by the ocean, it reminded me of our house in Mexico. Except i think it is more beautiful in the Philippines. :)

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