This week we were busy with baptismal interviews, we interviewed 5 people to be baptized next week. Which is way awesome. Also this week was the first district meeting with our new districts. Where I am now again the only american which was cool with me. District meeting was way fun, especially having sisters and Elder Olbes(my companion before) in the
district. We also have 3 investigators who are approaching baptism and hopefully they will ge baptized before i leave! We also had another exchange with the Elders in Pilar, elder Castro(the new district leader) and his trainee Elder Defillipis. This time i was with Elder Castro and it was way fun. The Church christmas party for the district was this week in Orion, it was sweet, alot of members attended and a few investigators as well. Every branch performed and we also watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional.On sunday we had a visitor come to church, her classsmate who is a member invited her to church and she came. So sweet! One time this week the ocean(Manila Bay) was so cool, totally flat, so we took a picture. Also at city hall where there was a bunch of cool lights. Christmas is comin up! Love you guys. _Elder Pennock
Zak looks so happy! And skinny too! Love the pic of the flat ocean