This was one crazy week! Its raining pretty hard and there are some storms comin and goin. On tuesday Elder Cagayanan and I went out to work, but then it started to pour and the wind was insane. We couldnt use our umbrella or else it would break. So we got absolutely soaked. And we had to go back to the apartment. And we also had no power for that night either. Also tuesday night, i found out that i was getting transfered! so i had to pac everything up i the dark! Then the full day of Wednesday i traveled to my new area, Limay, Bataan! Which happens to be close to the very botom of the mission. So for the 4th time now i have traveled the length of the mission for transfers. But it is pretty awesome here in the South. The first thing i saw and took a picture of is that dog! haha. absolutely delicious. ;) My companion, Elder Cornejo is great! He was my zone leader up in alaminos and we both lived in that house in Alaminos. And now we are companions and i am also a zone leader. freak! More responsibilities and duties. The branch here in Limay is really small, you can see the chapel there. Its way small! But we are excited to strengthen the branch and work with the members. We had a couple young men work with us this week which was way cool. Also we are visiting alot of in-actives and trying to bring them back, there are also a ton of part-member families that we are trying to work with as well. Also as zone leaders we interview the baptismal candidates of the district leaders. I got to interview an investigator in Orion who is really excited to get baptized and also we went to the end of the mission in Mariveles to interview another investigator there. Thats what the other pics are coming from the mountains in Mariveles down to the city and the shore. Mariveles is pretty big, there's a bunch of businesses and factories there. So now i have been to the farthest north, Bolinao, and the farthest south, Mariveles. The two ends of the mission. Also when we got back from Mariveles on Saturday we had a baptism! The baptism took place in the rain, cuz the baptimal font is outside in the back. so that was pretty cool. Well i think thats pretty much it for this week. Love you guys! -Elder Pennock
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