Magandang araw po! This week was great! It started off on monday night(monday night football, aw i miss that.haha), eventhough it wasn't football it was way fun. We had a joint Family Home Evening at the Sevilla household (sorry, theres no pics), there was a lot of people, 8 of us missionaries, and a lot of members and a lot of food. :) The picture i did send is one family home evening a couple weeks ago, where every time you lost you got marked on the face with uling(i dont know the english of uling). On tuesday we had an awesome Zone Conference with Elder Nielson, a quorum of the Seventy. It was such an awesome spiritual conference. they talked about the importance of the spirit and companionship unity and that missionary work is hard, but they said as members of this church we do hard things, which is totally true. =) So dont worry lets just do our part and fulfill our callings. :) Then after the conference Elder Nielson interviewed a couple people, and i was one of them. It was great, he just asked me how i was doin and we talked a little. They are both so cool, He and his wife Sis. Nielson. It was also cool this week cuz we found some new investigators and families that are really awesome, they are all really excited to listen and learn. And some of them even already have a background of the church. We are also continuing to work with the few investigators that our progressing and working toward their baptism. A couple members keep on workin with us which makes it fun. We also are making a litle more time to visit and get to know the members. Sunday night we had another family home evening with a member family, and had a lot of fun playing games and stuff. We visited them cuz Bro. is a soldier and he leaves soon to go back to the force. Oh! also that picture of me helping that guy out, is actually next door. They are workin/doing construction on our bathroom and the people next to us. I decided to go out, give it a try and help them out a little. :) Also when i was doin that, some american from Guam saw me when he was driving by and he came to talk to me. He was with some of his filipino friends and they were amazed that i could speak tagalog and that i was still single! =) They turned out to be jehova's witnesses and they wanted to invite me to their church. :) We talked for a little and i don't think my english was very good, but it was an awesome experience! The other pics are the 6 of us when we planted manggo trees, and me in front of the 100 Islands and some boats. Thats all for this week. Love you all. -Elder Pennock
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