Work, work, work. That's all we did this week. It was great. We got a lot of lessons in this week, not too many new investigators but we are excited for the work. There is this one new investigator who is a member's friend and coworker. He was referred to us and he is awesome. We taught him at the member's house with the member present and it was a great lesson. He is way interested in the church, he has gone to church twice now, and had alot of questions. We taught him the restoration and he really listened and understood, we were asking his questions and explaining things as well as he himself was explaining and sharing. By the end of the lesson he committed to a baptism goal date in June.
Another investigator is having trouble going to church because she has 3 little kids and her husband is always out doin stuff. But after explaining about church and primary, she came to church this week with her 3 kids!
There is one more new investigator who is also interested, he wanted a Book of Mormon and had alot of questions, he is really strong in his beleifs so hopefully he will accept and understand what we teach him. He is also a part member so hopefully the members will help him as well.
Two days this week we had priesthood work with us so we were able to split to get more work done. Which was way cool, one other part member guy who we taught, who isnt really interested in listening changed and became interested in our lesson. We taught about the Book of Mormon, what it is, why its important, and how we can find out if its true. When we taught him I really saw him gain an interest to read the Book of Mormon, and it was so cool to see, i wish i can see that happen with more people.
Also at another inactive part member family that we taught, they want to get their new baby blessed at church, but they were to scared or shy to ask. They said that this is maybe the way for them to come back to church, which will be totally awesome.
Then there was another funeral at a part member family (there's a ton of part member families here) where we visited and ate.
Also every week we have a missionary correlation meeting with the people who work with us and the mission leader, which happen to all be single adults. But its good, we are currently planning for an activity where members split and work with the missionaries for a day, after learning a little teaching and tracting skills.
So the work is great, we are working hard and excited and hope it will continue to progress. Love you all. Elder Pennock
ps - the pics are the four of us in our house, Cupang Elders (me and the somoan, E. Muliaina) and Balanga Elders (E. Cagayanan and E. Schwiedert)
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