Then wednesday a missionary got sick, so we had to take care of him and buy him medicine and stuff cuz my comp is the zone leader. So that was a day gone, then Thursday was the Leadership Training in Orani as well as Special Training on Friday.
On Saturday after weekly planning we actually got to work. :) And that day I really felt like God's messenger. It was way cool, the first person we met was a relative of our investigator, he was really nervous at first, but really wanted to learn about us and our message, he is havin a hard time finding a job, and he is quite a religious guy, he is reading the bible, praying and has strong faith. After we starting talking he invited us to sit down and talk! So we taught a little about prayer and faith and then about the restoration. It was really cool, he was asking questions and given great answers and opinions. We gave him a Restoration pamphlet and a Book of Mormon. But the one bad thing is that he lives in the Balanga Elder's area, so we got a great referral for them.
Also at all our appointments that day the investigators and members were happy to see us and we had good lessons with them. Then on our way home, we were walking by a member's home and they called us in to give a blessing. One sisters leg is really hurting her and she can't walk very well. So that was a great ending for the day, that I had the opportunity to give her a blessing. Then on Sunday she, even though her leg was still hurting a little, she got up and bore her testimony (fast and testimony meeting) and she said the blessing that I gave (which came from the Lord) really helped her.
Also on Sunday we had a meeting with the stake with all the bishops to see how the missionaries are and try to have more members work with the missionaries. So even though it was a loaded, busy week, it was a ton of fun and a lot of great experiences happened. :) Elder Pennock
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