Sunday, March 27, 2011
March 21 - 27, 2011
This week was great, the first week of the new transfer. We really worked on finding new investigators and helping the ones we're teaching to progress. One guy we met this week was really cool and friendly, we saw him at his house and asked if we could talk with him, when he found out we weren't Jehovah's witnesses, he was happy to let us in. We talked for a while, mostly about his life and how he has worked in Japan for a few years, then we shared a little bit and gave him the restoration pamphlet. He is totally fine with us goin back to him and sharing some more. We have 10 investigators with a baptismal date, and one of those families actually went to church this last Sunday! Also we have this one less active who we found and have been teaching and he has attended church twice in a row now, with his wife and kid! It was awesome to see him at church both times. A few members also worked with us this week, even the Bishop and his wife. It was great they came to our investigator family, the Kalim-kim family. Where Sister is awesome and reading and wants to be baptised, but brother hasn't opened his heart yet and isn't reading. But with the help of Bishop we got a great lesson and I committed him committed him to read the Book of Mormon at least 2 min every day. We also visited this one awesome less active sister where its hard for her because her husband is devoted catholic. But we shared with her and she also shared something cool with us, when she was young and worked with the missionaries. She told us never to give up and really help and love your investigators, because she has experiences where a person was really hostile the first meeting, but really accepting the next time. It was only because it was a hard time for that person at the moment and problems in the family and stuff. So that's a great lesson I learned from her is to not give up on investigators and really push them and continue with them. Also our dinner appointments are doin good. :) So that was our week, really busy to start off the new transfer. And I have now been in the Philippines for 384 days =) Getting excited for their interesting Easter here, like it was last year. And enjoying the work. Well love you all. Elder Pennock
Saturday, March 26, 2011
March 14 - 20, 2011
This past week was the last week of the transfer, I just found out earlier that im stayin here in Cupang for another 6 weeks! Yay!!! We went tracting a ton this week, so we got way more new investigators, its way different tracting in city than it is in the farmland. In farm you just talk to whoever you see, but here you got to pick a house and say "tao po" (which basically means hello, theres people here, at your door). So I'm having to adjust to that. But we have been pretty lucky (or guided by the spirit), a lot of people we met are nice and interested to listen. Also more of the members are starting to work with us, a few that are preparing for a mission and some that are RMs. So thats really sweet.
We also have a lot more investigators with a baptismal goal date, so we need to focus on them so they can proceed and progress to baptism. Also, and this is the best part :) we got more dinner appointments, jk, its not the best but its a good thing.
So things are doin good and we are really excited for this new transfer. Besides tracting a lot and having a lot of eating appointments, we had splits again, on Wednesday I worked in Bagac. It was cool, a member worked with us and we went to a lot of investigators who have a baptism date, two of which actually got baptised this saturday, a father and daughter. Also the Balanga Elders had a baptism as well, so altogether the work is doin well here in Bataan.
Oh, and tomorrow, because its transfer day, and because my comp is the zone leader, I got to wait all day at the bus station. Seven in the morning for the missionaries leaving and probably until the afternoon for the missionaries comin in. So that will be way fun, just me and my comp, maybe will study and play chess or something. :)
Salamat hanggang dito na lang. Elder Pennock
We also have a lot more investigators with a baptismal goal date, so we need to focus on them so they can proceed and progress to baptism. Also, and this is the best part :) we got more dinner appointments, jk, its not the best but its a good thing.
So things are doin good and we are really excited for this new transfer. Besides tracting a lot and having a lot of eating appointments, we had splits again, on Wednesday I worked in Bagac. It was cool, a member worked with us and we went to a lot of investigators who have a baptism date, two of which actually got baptised this saturday, a father and daughter. Also the Balanga Elders had a baptism as well, so altogether the work is doin well here in Bataan.
Oh, and tomorrow, because its transfer day, and because my comp is the zone leader, I got to wait all day at the bus station. Seven in the morning for the missionaries leaving and probably until the afternoon for the missionaries comin in. So that will be way fun, just me and my comp, maybe will study and play chess or something. :)
Salamat hanggang dito na lang. Elder Pennock
Monday, March 7, 2011
March 7 - 13, 2011
Well this was probably the busiest week yet, we only were able to work about a total of 2 days. On Monday, P-day, we had a zone csp in our backyard. So all the missionaries in our zone came to our house and we cleaned our backyard. That's the pics, cleaning all the leaves, trees and brush.

Then on Tuesday we had splits, I went to Bagac, those are the other pics, me with the kalibaw and the cool kids. It was awesome to work in Bagac because it is province and farmland like my previous area. Unlike now in Cupang its city, I'll need to take pictures of my new area this week. But the splits were way fun. Those kids were awesome, a ton of fun.

Then wednesday a missionary got sick, so we had to take care of him and buy him medicine and stuff cuz my comp is the zone leader. So that was a day gone, then Thursday was the Leadership Training in Orani as well as Special Training on Friday.
On Saturday after weekly planning we actually got to work. :) And that day I really felt like God's messenger. It was way cool, the first person we met was a relative of our investigator, he was really nervous at first, but really wanted to learn about us and our message, he is havin a hard time finding a job, and he is quite a religious guy, he is reading the bible, praying and has strong faith. After we starting talking he invited us to sit down and talk! So we taught a little about prayer and faith and then about the restoration. It was really cool, he was asking questions and given great answers and opinions. We gave him a Restoration pamphlet and a Book of Mormon. But the one bad thing is that he lives in the Balanga Elder's area, so we got a great referral for them.
Also at all our appointments that day the investigators and members were happy to see us and we had good lessons with them. Then on our way home, we were walking by a member's home and they called us in to give a blessing. One sisters leg is really hurting her and she can't walk very well. So that was a great ending for the day, that I had the opportunity to give her a blessing. Then on Sunday she, even though her leg was still hurting a little, she got up and bore her testimony (fast and testimony meeting) and she said the blessing that I gave (which came from the Lord) really helped her.
Also on Sunday we had a meeting with the stake with all the bishops to see how the missionaries are and try to have more members work with the missionaries. So even though it was a loaded, busy week, it was a ton of fun and a lot of great experiences happened. :) Elder Pennock
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March 1 - 6, 2011
Another good, busy, fun week in the Philippines. I have now been a full year in the Philippines, dapat akong magtagalog na lang sa lahat ng mga undates ko para masaya pero gusto ng nanay kong english. :)
Well, on Monday we had a fun family home evening with a less active family. We had a few members come and we played games and had a good lesson. It was good, a lot of fun. Then after district meeting on Tuesday we had splits, I went to Hermosa with Elder Beck, a fairly new elder from Idaho, but he now knows how to speak tagalog pretty well. So it was cool to go to a new area and not worry about much. Elder Beck is a good cool guy as well. Also my companion had the zone leader's council in Olongapo, so he went up with the other zone leader and Elder Carpio was my companion in my area. That was really cool as well. Except I still don't know my area that well cuz I'm gone a lot, so me and Elder Carpio did a lot of tracting, but I got to know the area a lot more. =)
Elder Carpio is a brand new elder from El Salvador, so he still doesn't know much tagalog yet. But its funny the people talk to him thinking he is Filipino. haha. He is also a big soccer player so that was awesome talking about soccer and stuff.
Then on Saturday one of the missionaries in our zone had another baptism interview so we went to Mandama so my comp can interview her. She is a great investigator, her husband is a member who recently returned to church and she saw the change show she became interested and wanted to be baptised. So she made time to read the book of mormon and prayed and she felt the spirit telling her it was true. And she really changed as well, she is now more excited and wants to learn when before she was way shy, quiet and didn't want to even listen to the missionaries. So that was totally awesome to meet her and learn about her story. And to see the gospel really affecting, helping and changing people's lives.
Also while we were there at that church in Mandama, the young men were there cleaning the church, then it was funny, it was raining and they were playin in the rain and playin basketball with a mango. =)
This week even though we had a lot goin on we got many new investigators and taught a lot of investigators and members. And on Sunday it was cool to see them at the Stake Conference in Orani. There were so many people there, a total of 8 wards in the stake, the overflow was overflowing. :) We had 3 of our investigators attend so that was awesome.
A general authority spoke Elder Ko, who is korean, it was really good, about building zion and family and being gospel active. So it was cool to see all those people and hear some good speakers as well as the mission president Pres. Aquino.
Then after church we had dinner at a member's house, it was kind of like a family home evening as well, a lot of families, we talked and had games. So that was a lot of cool fun things that happened. From writing these updates, I actually realize all the stuff and fun things that happen. :) Well, Mahal ko kayong lahat. Elder Pennock
Well, on Monday we had a fun family home evening with a less active family. We had a few members come and we played games and had a good lesson. It was good, a lot of fun. Then after district meeting on Tuesday we had splits, I went to Hermosa with Elder Beck, a fairly new elder from Idaho, but he now knows how to speak tagalog pretty well. So it was cool to go to a new area and not worry about much. Elder Beck is a good cool guy as well. Also my companion had the zone leader's council in Olongapo, so he went up with the other zone leader and Elder Carpio was my companion in my area. That was really cool as well. Except I still don't know my area that well cuz I'm gone a lot, so me and Elder Carpio did a lot of tracting, but I got to know the area a lot more. =)
Elder Carpio is a brand new elder from El Salvador, so he still doesn't know much tagalog yet. But its funny the people talk to him thinking he is Filipino. haha. He is also a big soccer player so that was awesome talking about soccer and stuff.
Then on Saturday one of the missionaries in our zone had another baptism interview so we went to Mandama so my comp can interview her. She is a great investigator, her husband is a member who recently returned to church and she saw the change show she became interested and wanted to be baptised. So she made time to read the book of mormon and prayed and she felt the spirit telling her it was true. And she really changed as well, she is now more excited and wants to learn when before she was way shy, quiet and didn't want to even listen to the missionaries. So that was totally awesome to meet her and learn about her story. And to see the gospel really affecting, helping and changing people's lives.
Also while we were there at that church in Mandama, the young men were there cleaning the church, then it was funny, it was raining and they were playin in the rain and playin basketball with a mango. =)
This week even though we had a lot goin on we got many new investigators and taught a lot of investigators and members. And on Sunday it was cool to see them at the Stake Conference in Orani. There were so many people there, a total of 8 wards in the stake, the overflow was overflowing. :) We had 3 of our investigators attend so that was awesome.
A general authority spoke Elder Ko, who is korean, it was really good, about building zion and family and being gospel active. So it was cool to see all those people and hear some good speakers as well as the mission president Pres. Aquino.
Then after church we had dinner at a member's house, it was kind of like a family home evening as well, a lot of families, we talked and had games. So that was a lot of cool fun things that happened. From writing these updates, I actually realize all the stuff and fun things that happen. :) Well, Mahal ko kayong lahat. Elder Pennock
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