The work was good this week. Getting a few new investigators, and meeting investigators that I haven't met yet. Also we committed a family to get baptised, they said yes! Their baptism isn't for a couple months, but they are excited and hopefully we can teach more of their kids as well. We also have one great new investigator who has a lot of friends and coworkers who are members.
On Friday there was this cool activity/fireside thing in Orani where an LDS teacher had all her 4th year high school students come to learn about our church and reflect on their last year of high school. There were a few speakers who talked about our beliefs and the importance of education and stuff, then all of us missionaries (6 elders, 2 sisters) had like this open forum thing where they asked us questions about the church and our beliefs. We also had some games and they shared their feelings and things they learned and liked about the fireside. (see the pics, I'm in the back with the kids playing the game) It was way cool. Hopefully some of them will read the pamphlet we gave them and investigate the church more, maybe when they are older.
This was our service project. We cleaned up trash from the road and the gutters. I held the trash bag so my hands are dirty. :) It was a lot of fun least to be with the other missionaires and members.
Then we went to Mandama so my companion could do baptismal interviews, it was a long trip, and later that night the Balanga Elders had a ward family home evening at the church. So we went to that. There were musical performances and games. It was sweet, there were these two teens who were amazing, the guy played this beat box thing (kinda like a drum) and then the girl played the guitar. And they both sang. Also my comp, Elder Muliaina, played the guitar and sang as well. Way cool. So a lot of stuff is goin on, a lot of fun, very tiring as well.
Then we went to Mandama so my companion could do baptismal interviews, it was a long trip, and later that night the Balanga Elders had a ward family home evening at the church. So we went to that. There were musical performances and games. It was sweet, there were these two teens who were amazing, the guy played this beat box thing (kinda like a drum) and then the girl played the guitar. And they both sang. Also my comp, Elder Muliaina, played the guitar and sang as well. Way cool. So a lot of stuff is goin on, a lot of fun, very tiring as well.
We had one investigator come to church which was cool. Hopefully next week will have more. Oh also when we have time in the morning we play basketball at the local court, which is awesome, see the pics. I also bought a new camera, I got the guy to cut the price down 3,000 pesos, so it was only 4,000! =] Well thats it for this week. Love you all. Elder Pennock

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