Alright so this week was great. haha. eventhough, for some reason, we had no investigators come to church we had alot of less-actives who we have been visiting come!! Which was great. And although our investigators didn't come to church, we still have quite a few progressing and new investigators! We actually have 2 progressing investigators, and if all goes well, they will be baptized this saturday! One of which is the golden investigator i told you about, who is lovin the book of mormon, she is now in Jacob!!! And the other is also a partmember, who is always at sacrament 30 min early! Also we are visiting alot of in-active members, one day, we were trying to find a former investigator who is from Bani, Pangasinan(where i was assigned before), and when we found them an in-active member happened to also be with them! that was so cool, becuase here in the philippines its way hard to find people, this has also happened many other times where we found some in-active members. Also this week was the Christmas party/zone conference for all the missionaries in the south part, 4 zones. It was way fun,played games and did presentations. Also Elder Ragasa and I bore our testimonies cuz we are now the next missionaries who are going home! Cant believe it. Also we have this one awesome investigator the architect at the new church, he really wants to learn, and asks alot of questions and the branch president came with us to teach him and it was awesome, we now gave him a book of mormon to read, and answer his questions. :) Also an active member, who got cancer, passed away last dec 12, so this week we visited the family and went with them to burial site. Alot of members came as well. Hopefully the family will follow her great example and come back to church. Earlier we helped the Sister missionaries move to a new, nicer house. We made it a district activity and it was way fun, carrying everything and then eating lunch. I bought the ice cream. haha. Well i think thats pretty much it, oh we also got new couple missionaries, the Taylors from Idaho, who now live in Pilar (a part of our zone). Yay! next Week Pasko Na!!! Merry Christmas!!! -Elder Pennock