These are the monkeys across the street from the church.
Magandag Tanghali! So this week. On Tuesday we had zone interviews. It was good. After that we had splits. We have 4 elders in our district so we went on splits. Elder Reyes, this is his last month in his mission, went with me in Bani. My comp went with Elder Larson up in Bolinao. It was cool. We worked with 3 branch missionaries and I led the area. It was pretty sweet leading.
One time this week, maybe Friday, during language study a few kids came to our house. I went out and talked with them for my language study. They saw we had dum-dums so we gave them some.
OK so on Saturday night we went to teach one of our investigators, a very nice lady. We got there and her husband was there. He said we couldn't come at night, but my comp didn't really hear him so he asked what he said. Then the man got mad. He grabbed a glass beer bottle and told us to leave and that they were catholic. So we left. After like 20 sec. he came back to us and apologized and explained that they were catholic and don't want any other religion.
So Sunday it was awesome! Our District President, Pres. Balute, went to our branch and on the same bus as us, so he paid for us =) After church we had a branch correlation meeting, where Pres. Balute said our branch is slacking and has the least attendance, activity and retention which is true. Then he said we need to work as a team, fulfill our callings and sacrifice. It was really good. I learned a lot. Then later that Sunday we were at a members house, very small. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between the house for people and the house for chickens, but we were at their house and I needed to go to the bathroom. So - that was the first time I went poo without using toilet paper. Just grand!
I'm adapting more and more. But everything is awesome! The family we are teaching attended church again! And we are still working with our other investigators and less actives. That's all. ingat. mahal ko kayo. Elder Pennock
Eewww! TMI :)