Holy Cow! or Ano ba iyan! that's so crazy that I could be related to Elder Gillet. His full name is Jarod Ammon Gillet. His dad is in the navy or some kind of military so they have lived all over. They live in Kansas right now. I think they are planning to go to colorado. That's so cool though. He is going to join us on exchanges again this friday. It's awesome.
Haha. Everyone has raccoon eyes. That's so funny. That's sweet you had a fun time. Oh sweet! You got the stuff from the mission president. Cool huh? The pictures of me, Elder Davies, Elder Alms and Sister Andersen and our comps. Way cool. We are doin great. I don't know how Alms is doin. But I figure he is doin good. No news is good news because I heard from Pres. Aquino that Sis. Andersen got sick. Hope she is better now. And Davies is doin awesome. I see him a lot since he is in my zone.
Yeah - general conference was totally the best. Elder Gillett said he looks forward to general conference more than the holidays. even before his mission. We got to watch it in English a week later than you. But it was great. All about Christ, really centered on Christ and strengthening the family, and avoiding temptations and enduring well through trials and learning from them.
Mahal kita mom. Is anything new and exciting goin on in the world? I'm even farther away from the USA now than in the MTC. Everything goin good? Love you. Miss you. Oh and it really touched me and made me miss you when one speaker talked about mothers and their love and how the love of a mother is the closest to the love of the Lord and of our Heavenly Father. Really thought provoking.
I love you - Elder Pennock
This is Elder Gillett. I just became his friend on Facebook. He got home a couple weeks ago from the Philippines. He had this picture on his facebook and I was able to paste it here for us to see. So fun!!!!! Now I need to go thru the paperwork Grandma Stapley gave me and see if we are related! She thinks we might be.