This week we taught our alcoholic friend twice! Because he was sober!! We taught him about the Book of Mormon and then 3 Nephi 11. Way cool.
On Wed we had zone conference down in Santa Cruz. That was really cool as well. I saw Sister Dirlam there who I haven't seen since the MTC.
Friday morning we cleaned up the church with one of the counselors from the district, Pres. Balad. Just the 3 of us cleaned and mopped the church. Then later we went and opened up a new part of our area, a barangay called Ambabaay. We found a lot of investigators who let us teach to them.
On Saturday I went to Alaminos to get my eye checked on. He said I shouldn't be using Visine and he gave me 2 other types of eye drops that I should take. So, Hopefully my eyes will be better soon.
Our branch president got released because his wife is going to work abroad in Hong Kong. Pres. Balad became the branch president. Hopefully this will be good for our branch. We had a meeting after church to organize our branch and how to do our callings. Later that day we saw some of our sisters from our branch visiting teaching a less active! That was way cool to see.
This morning we had a big zone activity, in Alaminos, with the missionaries in the Alaminos zone and the Santa Cruz zone. We had a big water balloon (actually they were plastic bags) fight in the church parking lot. It was a ton of fun.
But that is all for this week.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Pics in Bani & Bus
Sometimes we have to cross that field, the Bukid, to get some investigators.
I took those pictures when I was like in the middle.
I took the one, then I turned around and took the other.
I tried many times when the bus would stop, and I finally got a good picture.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Week of June 14th
On Tuesday we had district meeting in our own chapel in Bani so that was cool. And after that we went to the Prima Vista Restaurant for an Elder in our district's b-day, Elder Berueta. So that was way awesome. Oh our fridge broke so we didn't have a fridge for a few days. We gave our meat that had to be frozen to the couple missionaries and put the rest of the food in the freezer cuz the freezer was like a fridge. Oh and also one day we didn't have any water! Like a little bit from the outside faucets, so we kept filling buckets from that to use. It's great. But we got water now. That was only for like a day and a half.
We had a funeral service for a part member family who's mom had dies. I spoke at it, about families and what happens after this life. It was a lot of people, I was more nervous there than when I speak in church. Even though it was nearly the same amount. My tagalog is still bad. Then two days after that we had the burial, except it's not really a burial, cuz they don't bury it, they just put the casket in a cement box and close it up. But it's still above the ground. We walked behind the hearse from the catholic church to the cemetery (White Hills, cuz the hills are covered with white cement boxes).
My eyelid is swollen for some reason. It's not so bad now. But one night it was big and hurting, and I thought it would be better in the morning but it wasn't. So I texted the mission presidents wife, Sis. Aquino, and she told me to put cold compress on it and take ibuprofen. So yep. I am grateful for her and hopefully it goes away soon.
This Sunday 3 of our drinking investigators went to church, Billy, Batas, and Roel. It was awesome to see them. And after church 3 youth worked with us, Joshua, Jane, and Evalyn. That was fun. It was raining in the afternoon pretty good. Joshua is a knucklehead, really funny. So that was my week. Pretty crazy and exciting. E. Pennock
We had a funeral service for a part member family who's mom had dies. I spoke at it, about families and what happens after this life. It was a lot of people, I was more nervous there than when I speak in church. Even though it was nearly the same amount. My tagalog is still bad. Then two days after that we had the burial, except it's not really a burial, cuz they don't bury it, they just put the casket in a cement box and close it up. But it's still above the ground. We walked behind the hearse from the catholic church to the cemetery (White Hills, cuz the hills are covered with white cement boxes).
My eyelid is swollen for some reason. It's not so bad now. But one night it was big and hurting, and I thought it would be better in the morning but it wasn't. So I texted the mission presidents wife, Sis. Aquino, and she told me to put cold compress on it and take ibuprofen. So yep. I am grateful for her and hopefully it goes away soon.
This Sunday 3 of our drinking investigators went to church, Billy, Batas, and Roel. It was awesome to see them. And after church 3 youth worked with us, Joshua, Jane, and Evalyn. That was fun. It was raining in the afternoon pretty good. Joshua is a knucklehead, really funny. So that was my week. Pretty crazy and exciting. E. Pennock
Thanks for a package
Dear Collins -
Thank you so much for the package. It was a great surprise to get that. All the good food and the foot insoles. And of course I shared it all with the 3 other elders in the house. One is from Australia and he couldn't understand why we eat birdseed (the sunflower seeds) but he had some and like them and we taught him how to eat them the right way. Also another one is Filipino and he really liked the riceKrispie treats. He ate it and was like WOW, this is what food is like in America. Then he had me take a picture of him holding one. =) They like the other food to like the poptarts and the pringles. Thank you so much. A few ants got into some of the stuff cuz they can eat through the cheap plastic that the food is in. So they told me to always make sure it's wrapped up and taped really good but I was lucky this time. Only a little bit of ants. It was good to have some American treats. I tried to ration it out so I can have some everyday. haha. Oh and I am very sorry this is so late. I thought p-days were supposed to be less busy than other days, and I was planning to write you a thank you. Pero maraming salamat ulit. I am doing great. The Philippines are totally sweet! I hope everything is great with you guys. And I hope you are checkin out my missionary blog. I miss hang out with all of you. It was a ton of fun at your house and all our trips and vacations, especially Lake Powell and the 2 road trips. People think that it's crazy to drive all that way when I tell them about it. haha It was so fun though. Thanks a ton, for the fun times and being great friends. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Ingat kayo. Elder Pennock
Thank you so much for the package. It was a great surprise to get that. All the good food and the foot insoles. And of course I shared it all with the 3 other elders in the house. One is from Australia and he couldn't understand why we eat birdseed (the sunflower seeds) but he had some and like them and we taught him how to eat them the right way. Also another one is Filipino and he really liked the riceKrispie treats. He ate it and was like WOW, this is what food is like in America. Then he had me take a picture of him holding one. =) They like the other food to like the poptarts and the pringles. Thank you so much. A few ants got into some of the stuff cuz they can eat through the cheap plastic that the food is in. So they told me to always make sure it's wrapped up and taped really good but I was lucky this time. Only a little bit of ants. It was good to have some American treats. I tried to ration it out so I can have some everyday. haha. Oh and I am very sorry this is so late. I thought p-days were supposed to be less busy than other days, and I was planning to write you a thank you. Pero maraming salamat ulit. I am doing great. The Philippines are totally sweet! I hope everything is great with you guys. And I hope you are checkin out my missionary blog. I miss hang out with all of you. It was a ton of fun at your house and all our trips and vacations, especially Lake Powell and the 2 road trips. People think that it's crazy to drive all that way when I tell them about it. haha It was so fun though. Thanks a ton, for the fun times and being great friends. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Ingat kayo. Elder Pennock
Cheesy Cupcake & 1st zone
Elders Velasquez, Culiat, (me), Macasaddug, Tolentino, Pearce, Ig-Ig and Gillett
Way sweet, a ton of fun and awesome guys.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Week of June 6th
On Monday, p-day, we played volleyball close to a member's house. It was awesome. We played for like an hour and a half, 5:30-7. Kahit walang light after 6:30.
After district meeting on Tuesday one of the zone leaders, Elder Alger from Gilbert AZ, went to work with us in Bani. That was way tight too. He is an awesome guy. He was trainer for Elder Alms (an elder in my district from the mtc).
I got glasses now cuz my contacts were killin my eyes cuz of the smoke and dust and everything here. And they gave me some reading glasses for free. So I gave the reading glasses to Batas Ramos, our drunk investigator friend. He was way happy and said he would read the Book of Mormon. I sure hope he does. That will help his life so much, way better than hangin out with his other barcada friends or drinking and smoking.
Also this week was the dedication of the of the new temple in Cebu City, Philippines! So, on Saturday before the actual dedication, there was a cultural event where a ton of the youth of the church down in southern Philippines did cultural dances. It was cool, especially when they did some swing dancing that they got from WWII from the US military. Then on Sunday was the dedication of the Cebu City temple as a House of the Lord. All of us missionaries went to 2 dedication sessions, at noon and 3. It was awesome to hear our leaders speak, especially the prophet. I liked the prophet's talk. He is a regular guy and he was tellin about his life and funny stories and stuff.
Oh and also this week we went to a funeral service for the part member's family, 3 nights in a row now - fri, sat, sun. The people are awesome. There is this one girl like 6 or somethin. She is so cool and funny. She talks to me a ton (and I can actually understand everything she says which is pretty cool) and calls me and my comp, kuya (which means older brother).
Iyan lang para sa linggo na ito. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Ingat. Elder Pennock
After district meeting on Tuesday one of the zone leaders, Elder Alger from Gilbert AZ, went to work with us in Bani. That was way tight too. He is an awesome guy. He was trainer for Elder Alms (an elder in my district from the mtc).
I got glasses now cuz my contacts were killin my eyes cuz of the smoke and dust and everything here. And they gave me some reading glasses for free. So I gave the reading glasses to Batas Ramos, our drunk investigator friend. He was way happy and said he would read the Book of Mormon. I sure hope he does. That will help his life so much, way better than hangin out with his other barcada friends or drinking and smoking.
Also this week was the dedication of the of the new temple in Cebu City, Philippines! So, on Saturday before the actual dedication, there was a cultural event where a ton of the youth of the church down in southern Philippines did cultural dances. It was cool, especially when they did some swing dancing that they got from WWII from the US military. Then on Sunday was the dedication of the Cebu City temple as a House of the Lord. All of us missionaries went to 2 dedication sessions, at noon and 3. It was awesome to hear our leaders speak, especially the prophet. I liked the prophet's talk. He is a regular guy and he was tellin about his life and funny stories and stuff.
Oh and also this week we went to a funeral service for the part member's family, 3 nights in a row now - fri, sat, sun. The people are awesome. There is this one girl like 6 or somethin. She is so cool and funny. She talks to me a ton (and I can actually understand everything she says which is pretty cool) and calls me and my comp, kuya (which means older brother).
Iyan lang para sa linggo na ito. Mahal ko kayong lahat. Ingat. Elder Pennock
Some pictures
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Week of May 30th
It was transfers this tuesday so it was a pretty busy week. One of the elders in our zone finished his mission, Elder Reyes, so he left on Monday. He was a Filipino, a way cool guy and funny too. On Tuesday one of the elders who lived with us in the apt in Alaminos got transferred, Elder Muliaiana, a Samoan from Australia. He is totally awesome and it was way cool livin with him. It's real too bad he got transferred, but he has been in his area, Hundred Islands, for 6 months now.
Also on Tuesday, after Muliaina left, we packed all our stuff, me and my comp's stuff and furniture, on a jeepney to move to our new house in Bani. We packed the bed stuff, some bamboo chairs and the fridge on the outside of the jeepney and a bunch of other stuff inside. And we went to Bani. We got everything in one trip. On the way there we picked up some "hired hands", at a members house. They hopped on the jeepney and helped us unload. We got everything moved in real quick. The 2 other elders, Gerobolingo and Larson, and Pres & Sis. Ashcraft helped us too. Before the "hired hands" guys left we bought them all a merienda, soda and crackers. Then Elder Larson's new comp came, Elder Burueta and they went up to their area in Bolinao. Elder Larson is way cool, he is from San Diego as well.
So for the day, since E. Gerobolingo didn't have a comp, he went with us in Bani. He is way awesome too and a great missionary, and on Thursday morning he went to Olongapo to get his brand new comp from the mtc.
It's been raining pretty good off and on. Thursday was the first day I used my umbrella. It's cool it's not as bright and hot anymore and I am not sweating as much. =) And it's way better having a house in our area.
Our house is pretty good. It's nice with new paint and a kitchen counter. but we have like no water pressure, very little. And we got a ton of ants. We gotta always make sure to not leave food out or any traces of food. But other than that it's good.
Oh and I'm using a bucket of cold water for a shower again cuz there is no water pressure. =)
Our work is doing great. We are finding a lot of new investigators and some in actives are comin back to church. Also Batas Ramos, the drinker, came to church as well as another of our investigators, the Onia family!!! They really liked it. It was fast and testimony meeting and both me and my comp bore our testimonies. It went pretty good.
My Tagalog is getting better. I am starting to understand more, like the regular conversation small talk stuff. So I am doing great! Lovin the work and what's goin on.
Mahal ko kayong lahat! Ingat Elder Pennock
Also on Tuesday, after Muliaina left, we packed all our stuff, me and my comp's stuff and furniture, on a jeepney to move to our new house in Bani. We packed the bed stuff, some bamboo chairs and the fridge on the outside of the jeepney and a bunch of other stuff inside. And we went to Bani. We got everything in one trip. On the way there we picked up some "hired hands", at a members house. They hopped on the jeepney and helped us unload. We got everything moved in real quick. The 2 other elders, Gerobolingo and Larson, and Pres & Sis. Ashcraft helped us too. Before the "hired hands" guys left we bought them all a merienda, soda and crackers. Then Elder Larson's new comp came, Elder Burueta and they went up to their area in Bolinao. Elder Larson is way cool, he is from San Diego as well.
So for the day, since E. Gerobolingo didn't have a comp, he went with us in Bani. He is way awesome too and a great missionary, and on Thursday morning he went to Olongapo to get his brand new comp from the mtc.
It's been raining pretty good off and on. Thursday was the first day I used my umbrella. It's cool it's not as bright and hot anymore and I am not sweating as much. =) And it's way better having a house in our area.
Our house is pretty good. It's nice with new paint and a kitchen counter. but we have like no water pressure, very little. And we got a ton of ants. We gotta always make sure to not leave food out or any traces of food. But other than that it's good.
Oh and I'm using a bucket of cold water for a shower again cuz there is no water pressure. =)
Our work is doing great. We are finding a lot of new investigators and some in actives are comin back to church. Also Batas Ramos, the drinker, came to church as well as another of our investigators, the Onia family!!! They really liked it. It was fast and testimony meeting and both me and my comp bore our testimonies. It went pretty good.
My Tagalog is getting better. I am starting to understand more, like the regular conversation small talk stuff. So I am doing great! Lovin the work and what's goin on.
Mahal ko kayong lahat! Ingat Elder Pennock
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